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Article: Emotional face expression modulates occipital-frontal effective connectivity during memory formation in a bottom-up fashion.

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Xiu D; Geiger MJ; Klaver P
Front Behav Neurosci, 2015

Median and quartiles DCM endogenous parameters and modulatory estimates based on Bayesian model averaging (BMA) across all subjects and all models, and Spearman rho correlation (rs) between parameters and behavioral performances.

Median Quartiles Memory performance (rs) Response bias (rs)
25% 75% Total Negative Neutral Positive Total Negative Neutral Positive
IOG→OFC 0.073 -0.055 0.184 -0.680** -0.523* -0.598** -0.647** 0.026 0.228 -0.358 -0.098
FUS→OFC 0.047 -0.065 0.268 -0.067 0.018 -0.038 -0.131 0.280 -0.094 0.044 -0.333
SPL→OFC 0.047 -0.103 0.134 0.013 0.090 -0.079 0.036 0.034 -0.092 0.028 0.401
HPC→OFC 0.247 0.038 0.317 -0.201 -0.026 -0.174 -0.199 -0.255 -0.265 -0.011 0.015
AMG→OFC -0.085 -0.145 0.175 -0.156 -0.119 0.038 -0.311 0.067 0.302 -0.230 0.234
IOG→OFC, negative -0.096 -0.499 0.583 0.321 -0.106 0.459 0.321 0.267 0.253 -0.040 -0.077
FUS→OFC, negative -0.054 -0.342 0.109 0.267 0.232 0.046 0.451 -0.098 -0.373 -0.218 0.104
SPL→OFC, negative 0.038 -1.216 0.598 -0.207 -0.181 -0.042 -0.224 0.141 0.482* 0.300 0.094
HPC→OFC, negative 0.011 -0.277 0.534 0.011 0.121 -0.162 -0.003 -0.040 -0.317 -0.170 -0.129
AMG→OFC, negative -0.442 -0.709 0.058 -0.152 -0.298 -0.133 -0.069 0.482* 0.284 0.162 0.280
IOG→OFC, positive -0.095 -0.578 0.259 0.034 0.082 0.273 -0.358 -0.331 0.172 -0.422 -0.046
FUS→OFC, positive -0.008 -0.270 0.266 0.222 0.038 0.311 0.015 -0.240 -0.290 -0.385 -0.331
SPL→OFC, positive -0.450 -1.272 -0.024 0.022 0.112 0.119 -0.282 -0.185 0.187 -0.187 -0.437
HPC→OFC, positive -0.027 -0.823 0.245 0.154 -0.059 0.131 0.278 0.185 -0.185 0.071 0.123
AMG→OFC, positive -0.101 -0.564 0.166 -0.232 -0.063 -0.249 -0.166 0.309 0.247 0.007 -0.005

p < 0.05;

p < 0.0033, Bonferroni correction for multiple comparison (5 endogenous parameters and 10 modulatory parameters).

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